Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 33: Potato Galette

“What I say is that, if a man really likes potatoes, he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow.”
(A.A. Milne)


We're back in the kitchen! Somehow the cyber-cooking over distance wasn't the success we'd hope it would be. Now that Talia's back ... we're getting into the swing of things again ...


So here's a delicious Potato side-dish that will tantalise your taste-buds.

 Make sure you slice the potatos super-thin ... makes the galette far more delicate!

Don't forget to layer the thin slices of potato, with the lard/butter, parmesan cheese and seasoning. Yum!



  • 60g butter, melted  (or use lard as an alternative - gives a deeper, richer flavour)
  • 1kg desiree potatoes, unpeeled, thinly sliced
  • 50g parmesan cheese, finely grated


Step 1
Preheat oven to 200°C. Brush a 20cm (base) round springform pan with a little of the butter. Place pan on a baking tray.

Step 2
Line base of pan with a layer of potato slices, overlapping slightly. Brush with butter. Sprinkle over 2 tablespoons cheese and season with salt and pepper. Repeat layers 4 times to make a total 5 layers.

Step 3
Bake, uncovered, for 50 to 55 minutes or until potatoes are tender when tested with a skewer and top golden. Stand for 5 minutes. Release pan and slide galette onto a serving plate. Cut into wedges.
Serve with roast chicken or grilled fish. Don’t forget a green salad too.

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing dish! It sounds just delicious - welcome back Joy Luck Kitchen! xxxx
