Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 26: Chicken Paprikash - Hungarian Stew

We've come upon a challenge ... Talia is now staying with her dad and grandparents ... so we've found a very creative way for us to continue our journey together. We'll be cooking the same recipe each day, then ringing each other to discuss how it went and posting up our comments. Amazing the power of technology ... as well as the support of her dad and grandpa.

The first recipe we're cooking together is Chicken Paprikash. Sebastian (Talia's dad) has emailed across the recipe, which is from an old Hungarian cookbook. In cooking this recipe, I was amazed that I was using two ingredients I don't normally cook with: Lard and Sour Cream. I discovered that this recipe needs gentleness and lots of loving care to get the 'sauce' right (when you combine the flour and sour cream, put the heat on low and gently stir the ingredients into the pot).


Everyone said this first attempt tasted fantastic. Good luck!


Here's the recipe:

Mid-Cooking: Browning the chicken in the onion and lard!!! You can certainly smell the difference ... a very earthy aroma!

Completed Chicken Paprikash - served on a bed of mashed potato. Though potato dumplings or nokedli is wonderful too. Don't forget to add a green salad too ...


  1. Shanti wrote:

    I'm so impressed with myself! Cooking an old-fashioned recipe in an old-fashioned way! I don't eat dairy, so didn't try it ... but everyone who ate it at dinner said it tasted fantastic. And authentic too!

    How did it work for you Talia?

    Love, Mummy xxx

  2. Talia wrote:

    I loved it all the different flavors. You can also add mushrooms we didn't but we will next time.
    Mummy it went well.
