Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 2: The Perfect Omelette

As Julia Child said ...

"Cooking is like love; it should be entered into with abandon or not at all."

"You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients."

Cooking through our 100 day journey doesn't necessarily mean dinner meals. Fresh and simple is the way to go today. As a working mother, flexibility is needed if Talia and I are going to make it through our mission. Tonight I have to do my 'principal' duties by attending a Presentation Night at the local high school. Unfortunately, that means I won't be home to cook dinner.

Hence, Day 2's recipe is the perfect omelette from Julia Child.
  • Toss 2 eggs in a bowl and beat into it salt and pepper and add one tsp of water.
  • Pour the mixture into your non-stick pan that has been heated with 1 tsp of butter over high heat.
  • Swirl swirl flip!
  • Add a bit of butter and parsley for garnish. Enjoy!
What a lovely breakast for Talia to start the day ...


  1. Despite her initial reluctance, Talia really enjoyed making the omelette. She was very surprised at how 'light' it was. "It looks like a crepe", she said. And she liked how it tasted. Thought next time she says she wants to add cheese .... Thanks Julia Child for a lovely recipe. By the way, I added 1 tablespoon of water instead of a teaspoon. Made it lighter.

  2. Talia said:

    I found that the omelette was light and fluffy ... and a good way to add flavour would be to add a sprinkle of salt or soya sauce. It is quick, easy and simple. An easy recipe for everyone to enjoy.
