Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 14: Rocket, Grapefruit and Blue Cheese Salad

Christmas Day ... lots of cooking today ... however, the easiest recipe for Talia to accompany me with today (in the hustle and bustle of Xmas deadlines) was the Rocket, Grapefruit and Blue Cheese Salad.



  • 100 grams Baby rocket leaves (more if you’d like … see how it looks/feels)
  • 100 grams Baby spinach leaves  (as above)
  • 100 grams pine nuts
  • 200 grams Blue Castello cheese – use only as much as you like for taste.
  • 1-2 ruby red grapefruits – use only as much as needed to add a ‘tart’ contrast.
  • Honey Mustard Salad  Dressing – either home-made or Paul Newman’s dressing
  • Bunch of coriander 


1.   Toss baby spinach leaves and rocket leaves into a large salad bowl
2.   Peel the grapefruit and finely slice it into segments  (if too tart, place in boiling water and   honey for 30 seconds – then put on a plate to cool down). Place on a separate plate.
3.   Slice Blue Castello cheese into tiny fine segments – using your fingers or spoon, toss and distribute the blue cheese throughout the salad leaves
4.   Add the slices of grapefruit into the salad – and toss
5.   Drizzle the Honey and Mustard salad dressing over the salad – not too much, keep it light, so that it doesn’t overwhelm the tartness of the grapefruit and earthiness of the Blue cheese.
6.   Sprinkle 50 to 100 grams of pine nuts – follow your instinct on how many are needed … so that it tastes and ‘plates’ up nicely. Think of sprinkling a lovely layer of pine nuts that will create a texture and nutty taste to the salad.
7.   Chop a handful of coriander and garnish the salad
8.   Do a final toss of the salad to ensure all the ingredients combine together in a flavoursome, but pretty, salad. Let the salad ‘rest’ and take on the flavours.


  1. Shanti wrote:
    Just love this succulent and gourmet salad. So easy to put together ... but looks fantastic! Great taste combinations too. Yum Yum Yum!

  2. Talia wrote:

    It is a nice fresh, light salad. Perfect for summer weather.
    It goes well with christmas cold meats.( turkey and ham or fish).
    It is quick to make and easy for all ages to make.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I tried your salad yesterday and it was so yummy! I never knew that the combination of blue cheese and grapefruit could be so perfectly delicious!!! Sammy xx

      (I deleted my previous comment as I accidentally signed in as 'Shanti Clements instead of annonymous).

  4. Thanks Spammette!!! Big Sis really adores Little Sis!
    Shanti xxx
